YouTube Money Calculator

YouTube Money Calculator: Calculate How Much You Can Make

YouTube has been around for a while now, and it is one of the most popular social media websites on the internet. Over a billion people use YouTube every month. That’s a lot of people!

With so many people using YouTube as their source of revenue, it is no wonder that a money calculator has been created. This tool allows you to see how much potential revenue you can generate from your videos and overall channel.

If you are thinking about making money as a YouTuber, then you might be wondering how much you can earn. After all, if you are going to put in the work, you want to make sure that it is worth your time.

YouTube Money Calculator: Calculate How Much You Can Make:



What Is a YouTube Calculator?

A YouTube calculator is a simple online tool that calculates an estimate of how much money you can earn from your YouTube channel.

Calculating your potential earnings from YouTube is a great way to see if it is worth your time to start a channel and begin creating videos for certain niches. It can also help you set realistic expectations for the average earnings you can expect.

The tool below has been developed to allow you to easily calculate the estimated earnings from a Youtube Video or Channel and is based on your video view count, engagement and various other factors.

How to Use the YouTube Money Calculator  

Using a YouTube money or revenue calculator is quite straightforward. All you need to do is enter some basic information about your channel and video views. From there, the calculator will do the rest of the work and give you an estimate of your potential earnings.

Below are the three easy steps to use the YouTube Money Calculator:

  • Drag the YouTube View Count slider up or down based on your daily video views
  • Set your Estimated CTR based on your channel's historic performance
  • View your estimated daily, weekly and yearly earnings potential

It’s that simple. With just a few clicks, you can get an estimate of how much money you could be making from your YouTube channel.

Daily Video Views
Drag the slider to calculate potential earnings
20,000 Views/Day
0150 00020 000030 00060 00090 000120 000150 000
Average Engagement Rate
0 %100 %50 %0255075100
Views per Month
Views per Year
Estimated Daily Earnings
$28.50 - $47.50
Estimated Monthly Earnings
$855 - $1,425
Projected Yearly Earnings
$10,403 - $17,338


This estimates your earnings before Youtube’s cut. (Although YouTube traditionally kept its share of advertising income secret, it is now common knowledge that Google keeps 45% of YouTube advertising revenue. So you receive 55% of every dollar paid by advertisers) The estimated earnings that the average YouTube creator could expect to receive from ads on a new video on their channel if EVERYBODY watched the ad on their video and the advertiser paid the average $0.018 for each view, which amounts to $18 for every 1,000 views.


Youtube Money Calculator

Estimated Total Earnings by Channel


Is Monetizing on YouTube Different from Google Adsense?

In essence, yes, it is. youtube-tag-generator is a bit different from using Google Adsense. However, the overall concept is the same. You are still displaying ads and earning revenue from them.

The main difference lies in the fact that with YouTube monetization, you have more control over the ads that are displayed. With Google Adsense, you have less control, and the ads are more general.

With YouTube monetization, you can choose to display video ads, overlay ads, banner ads, and even sponsored cards. You also have the option to turn off certain types of ads that you do not want to show.

This gives you more control over the user experience and allows you to better customize the ads that are shown to your audience.

In addition, YouTube also allows you to run ad campaigns. Ad campaigns are a great way to generate more revenue from your channel. With an ad campaign, you can choose to run ads for a specific product or service.

This is different from Google Adsense, which only allows you to display general ads. By running an ad campaign, you can specifically target your audience with ads that they are more likely to be interested in.

Keep in mind that Google owns YouTube. As such, they do have some control over the monetization process. However, YouTube does give you a lot of freedom when it comes to choosing how to monetize your channel.

How Much Money Can You Make on YouTube?

This is a common question with no easy answer. While the money calculator above can give you a good estimate of your potential earnings, it is important to remember that your actual earnings may be different.

Here are some considerations to keep in mind:

  • The number of views your videos get;
  • The engagement level of your audience;
  • Your video topics;
  • Your monetization method; and 
  • The country you are in

With these considered, keep in mind that you will also need to factor in the cost of production when calculating your earnings. For example, if it costs you around $100 to produce a video, you will need to make sure that your earnings exceed that amount before you can start making a profit.

In addition, your earnings will also depend on the type of ads that you choose to run. Video ads tend to pay more than banner ads. However, they can also be more intrusive and annoying for viewers.

With that said, you will need to experiment with different types of ads to see which ones work best for your channel. The more video views you have, the more money you can make. However, you will need to strike a balance between ad revenue and user experience.

Factors That Determine Your YouTube Earning Potential 

Being a YouTuber is not just about making videos and putting them online. If you want to be successful, there are a few other factors that you need to take into consideration to determine your earning potential:

1. CPM vs CPC

CPM or Cost Per Mille (Thousand) is the amount of money that an advertiser pays you for every one thousand views of their ad. So, if an advertiser paid you $5 CPM, then you would earn $5 for every 1,000 views of their ad.

CPC or Cost Per Click is the amount of money that an advertiser pays you for every click on their ad. So, if an advertiser paid you $5 CPC, then you would earn $5 for every person who clicked on their ad.

As you can see, CPM and CPC are two very different things. The earning capabilities with each one are significantly different as well.

2. Estimated Earnings Per Subscriber

YouTube videos nowadays are edited to encourage you to like and subscribe to the channel, and for good reason. The more subscribers you have, the more money you can make from your videos. That's because, with a youtube-video-statistics, your videos are more likely to show up in the search results and the related videos section.

Also, subscribers are more likely to watch your videos all the way through, which means that you will have a higher chance of getting those precious ad views. Moreover, subscribers tend to be more engaged with your content and are more likely to comment on and share your videos. All of this contributes to higher video view counts, which in turn translates into more money for you.

3. Estimated Variance Based on Video Engagement

Even if you don't have enough subscribers to make a significant amount of money from your videos, you can still earn some cash if your video content gets a lot of views. That's because YouTube earnings are based on the number of ad views that your video receives. The more engaged they are, the more money you can make from your videos. 

How do you know how engaged people are with your videos? There are a few key indicators:

  • Watch time – This is the total amount of time that people have spent watching your video. The longer they watch, the more engaged they are.
  • Viewer retention – This is the percentage of people who watch your video through to the end. The higher the retention rate, the more engaged your viewers are. 
  • Click-through rate – This is the number of people who click on the adverts that are shown in your video. If you have a high click-through rate, it means that your viewers and followers are interested in the products or services that are being advertised. 

All of these factors contribute to your overall estimated earnings per view. The more engaged your viewers are, the more money you can make from your videos.

Also, see our youtube-video-statistics

It has taken a while for internet marketing to really catch on, but now it is of major importance to brands. Companies spend considerable sums on internet advertising, particularly on platforms such as Google Adsense. Although Google keeps a chunk, the rest goes to website owners who place Adsense ads on their web pages and blogs.

The largest website of all, according to Alexa, is Google itself. The second largest site (since April 2016) is YouTube. So it is probably no surprise that YouTube is very important to Google in terms of AdSense revenue. It has to be remembered, of course, that Google owns YouTube, doubling its importance as an advertising platform. Possibly this is the reason why Google has different rules for AdSense on YouTube compared to AdSense on other video platforms.

James Smith

CEO / Co-Founder

Enjoy the little things in life. For one day, you may look back and realize they were the big things. Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.